Reduces Risks of Private Key Theft
Multi-Party Computation ensures secure, private collaborations and computations without exposing sensitive data, enabling valuable insights to be derived jointly

Improved Efficiency
MPC securely stores private keys online, reducing the risk of theft. It improves cryptocurrency security for everyone, from individuals to big players, without any trade-offs

How Does An MPC Work?

Multi-part private key
MPC tackles traditional cryptography challenges by spreading private key ownership across many parties. This boosts security and avoids the risks of single points of failure. It’s like having multiple locks on a door for added protection

Multi-party computation
In an MPC system, participants don’t have to reveal their inputs. So, if an attacker gets one key shard, they can’t steal funds without others. Security holds unless all are compromised at once. This keeps the system strong against hacks and unauthorized access.

Security principles

Data in one partition stays private and safe. Other partitions can't touch it. This keeps the data secure and stops outsiders from messing with it.

Data in the shared resource area remains completely isolated, ensuring there's no data leakage to other partitions.

Communication between partitions is strictly prohibited unless special permission is granted.

Security vulnerabilities within one partition are contained and cannot spread to affect other partitions.